
Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Watching Movies-Best Way to Strengthen Marriage Relationships

Since last few years, large numbers of professors, technicians and other big people have given their valuable contribution in prevention of divorce and saving marriage forever. Major reason for this, as revealed by divorce news and feedback analysts is that dissolution of marriage not only takes away happiness from lives of married couples, but also affects the career and health of loving children in the very bad manner. 

Why Divorce Prevention is Essential

If you look over different statistics and compare the performance of children staying with the single parent to the kids getting love and the company of both parents, you would likely find that kids growing in the custody of both parents perform far better not only in curriculum activities, but also in other sectors. In addition, majority of professionals working under information systems unit or other investigation departments have found that adolescence of divorced parents more likely tend towards terrorists or criminal activities and even towards drug addictions as compared to others. Hence, based on these statistics and reports many experts put efforts to prevent divorce. 

Attempts of Ronald Rogge-the Clinical Psychologist 

Ronald Rogge delivered his valuable services as the clinical psychologist in the Rochester University. He recently opined that watching of movies frequently would help people to save marriage relations. For this, he asked some spouses to watch five movies exploring relationship for the duration of about one month. 

Later on, he attempted to discuss with spouses looking for divorce. Based on the study, he and his associate named Tom Bradbury observed that couples watched and enjoyed movies together have shown less reluctance towards marriage dissolution. Thus, with the help of his conducted experiments on marital partners, he concluded that watching of relationship or love movies are best ways to save marital relations. 

Roggle commented, “The hope is to improve the odds against divorce. We're looking for the best way to strengthen marriages while they are still happy. Most people enjoy watching movies, and this is a model where, we, as therapists and researchers, do not need to instruct in a formal way to participants. They can do it on their own.” Get details from here.

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