
Friday, 22 March 2013

How to Get Divorce?

If you are a resident of UK and you want to free yourself from broken marriage you can file a divorce. The first and the foremost condition of is that you must be married for at least a year and the marriage must be legalized by the UK government. Also you need to be a permanent resident of Wales or England. When anyone applies for a divorce the court tries or the advocate tries to settle the differences between the 2 parties, by clearing their misunderstandings. In many cases the any one of the two undergo the emotion detection test or a Polygraph test. The Nemesysco Limited has numerous options of conducting such tests.

The following are the 3 major steps you need to follow:

Formally request the divorce: You need to file the divorce case in the court and you need to have valid reasons for ending your relation with your spouse.

Application for the Decree NISI:  The formal request applied in the court will send a legal notice to the court and if the spouse is in favor of the petition sent by you, you will receive a legal document which will ensure that you can take divorce easily.

Application for a Decree Absolute- After you receive the decree Nisi you need to wait for at least 6-7 weeks to apply for the Decree Absolute. This document will finally end up your marriage.

Alternatively you can arrange your own divorce documents without the involvement of the solicitors. For doing so you need to consent over: 

Valid Reason(s) for divorce

Who will take care of the children?

How the monetary assets and other assets will be distributed.

If both the partners agree on these conditions then there will be no need to go to the court for hearing and the divorce procedure will become easy.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Divorce Resort Process- A latest trend for divorcing couples

According to the CNN report, February is the busiest month for divorce attorneys and other officials who are related with the divorce procedures between couples. Divorce in itself is a stressful word and in the month of February maximum couples file their divorce cases, especially after the Valentine’s Day. Daryl Weinman is a divorce attorney and has experience of 20 years in resolving family matters. He is the only one who has introduced the concept of Resort process of divorce. He has urged the couples that divorce is not something to panic about and it can be done with a peaceful mind too.If any sort of Nemesysco emotion detection test is required it can also happen in the resort.

Daryl says that if you find that there is no love factor left between a relationships, then it’s not important to spend hell lot of bucks and energy for getting the divorce done. The latest concept like the ‘resort process’ can make the divorce a peaceful process.

The concept of the ‘resort process’ of a divorce will take place in a peaceful place preferably in a 4 star resort during a 3-days weekend. The two parties who are seeking the divorce also stay in the same resort but in different suites and the divorce attorney will also be present with them. The divorce lawyer will hear to the statements and problems of each party individually, one party in a day. This way the divorce process will be quite relaxing and ensure that each and every matter will be talked about and will be resolved at the end of the whole process. All this will be charge a flat and nominal fee.

This concept has been introduced so that the couples who are seeking divorce can do it in a lesser amount of charges and time.