
Monday, 17 December 2012

Divorces That Got the World Talking

Going through divorce is one of the most tragic and unwanted event in any one’s life. Even if your married life is facing lot of problem and the only solution left is split apart from one another, still the whole process prove to be very painful. When you are going through the divorce proceedings, you will surely recall all the sweet and happy memories of your married life and will think what suddenly went so wrong. Some of the most famous marriages which finally end up with divorce are:    
Paul McCartney and Heather Mills- they faced a lot of criticism from fans because his previous wife late Linda McCartney was very much adorned by the people. It was believed that Heather Mills was after his money and was trying to gain publicity with his name. However, this couple also got separated and its some of the most spiteful press in recent memory.

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline – Another divorce case where the press could not determine who actually the more deadbeat parent is. At the time of marriage, Kevin Federline was considered as the luckiest person in Hollywood. After divorce he managed to gain the custody for children because of various public troubles for Britney. Even after such a drastic ups and downs he managed to take up his acting career.      

Monday, 3 December 2012

Adverse Effects of Divorce on Children

This time, one of the news reports related to divorce have highlighted that family breakdown has become highly devastating even for children. The reports related with divorce cases have revealed that despite divorce or dissolution of marriaged life has no longer remained one of the shameful matters for couples, children of most of the broken families are consistently suffering destructive effects during their entire life.

A well-known Senior Academics team has revealed the reports and observed that damages caused to the children because of divorce of their parents have continued to blight their life as long as to their old age. The reports have revealed that separation of parents in the childhood is consistently related with various psychological distresses even during adulthood.

According to the reports revealed by Daily Mail newspaper, “In the recent few years, divorce of married couples has become very common across the world. However, impact of divorce over the mental health of children has not decreased until now.” Currently, the figures have revealed that almost half of the children have witnessed the breakup of their parents at teen age of 15 years. Based on this figure, most of the reports have given conclusion that human beings can ensure good health of human beings by having good lifestyle conditions. Furthermore, they have defined good life style condition as social medicine and explained that stable background of families is the best key.