through divorce is one of the most tragic and unwanted event in any one’s life.
Even if your married life is facing lot of problem and the only solution left
is split apart from one another, still the whole process prove to be very
painful. When you are going through the divorce proceedings, you will surely
recall all the sweet and happy memories of your married life and will think what
suddenly went so wrong. Some of the most famous marriages which finally end up
with divorce are:
Paul McCartney and Heather Mills- they faced a lot
of criticism
from fans because his previous wife late Linda McCartney was very much adorned
by the people. It was believed that Heather Mills was after his money and was
trying to gain publicity with his name. However, this couple also got separated
and its some of the most spiteful press in recent memory.
Britney Spears and Kevin Federline – Another divorce
case where the press could not determine who actually the more deadbeat parent
At the time of marriage, Kevin Federline was considered as the luckiest person
in Hollywood. After divorce he managed to gain the custody for children because
of various public troubles for Britney. Even after such a drastic ups and downs
he managed to take up his acting career.